About This Website
Our Mission and Vision
The value and importance of sleep is tremendously underestimated and unrecognized in our present-day society. As a result, millions of people all over the world do not obtain enough sleep at night. Moreover, this lack of sleep on a global scale is considered a severe public health epidemic which is largely under-reported. People need to urgently realize that a good night’s sleep is crucial for overall health, happiness and productivity.
Unfortunately, there are a lot people who are simply unable to acquire enough good quality sleep at night. In many cases, this is caused by a sleeping condition such as insomnia. Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder around the world, affecting millions of people on a regular basis. Luckily, through proper guidance, awareness and effective action most sleep issues can be resolved.
That’s where we come in. With this website we want to increase awareness about the importance of proper sleeping habits.
- Our Mission is to help people eliminate insomnia and sleep better at night.
- Our Vision is to become one of the web’s leading sleep resources and help as many people as possible improve their sleep health.
We provide the necessary knowhow, tools and tips to help people effectively overcome their sleep issues and over time transform their quality of life.
About The Creator of This Website
My name is Vince, and I am the founder of helpwithsleepinsomnia.com.
Below you can find more information about my personal history with insomnia and how I ended up creating this website.
My History With Insomnia
For most of my adult life I struggled with insomnia. I had major difficulties falling and staying asleep at night. When lying in bed, my mind would often start racing and all kinds of thoughts would pop up in my head. All of this overthinking made it impossible to go to sleep. I would be checking the clock and I would calculate how much longer I had before my alarm clock would go off in the morning. Consequently, this caused severe frustration and anxiety.
It sometimes would take me multiple hours or longer to finally go to sleep. As a result, I did not get enough sleep during the night. This often caused me to feel tired, groggy, and unable to focus throughout the next day. Insomnia started to significantly affect my physical and mental wellbeing up to a point that I couldn’t take it anymore. It was starting to affect my work, my relationships, my mental fortitude, my mood and my overall hapiness.
My Resolution to Fix My Sleep Problems
At some point I said to myself, enough is enough. I can’t live like this any longer. Consequently, I made it my personal mission to find out exactly what was going on and how I could solve my insomnia problem. I began a quest for knowledge as I wanted to know everything there was to know about sleep, how to sleep better and how to get rid of insomnia once and for all.
I became obsessed with sleep and for years I intensely studied everything there was to know about sleep. Moreover, I read numerous books, watched countless videos and listened to various podcasts on sleep, created by leading sleep experts around the world. Step by step I started to implement the lessons that I learned. Over time I made drastic changes to my daily habits.
My Transformation To Exceptional Sleep Health
The knowledge I acquired proved to be incredibly beneficial. I successfully eliminated insomnia from my life. Additionally, I improved my overall sleep health significantly. This had a direct positive impact on all aspects of my daily life. Nowadays, I no longer have difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep at night. I consistently enjoy sufficient uninterrupted sleep and I feel fully rested and focused throughout the day. I function at peak alertness, I feel physically amazing and I am in a good mood most of the time. The results have been absolutely spectacular! I have drastically increased my quality of life and overall feelings of wellbeing.
Why I Created This Website
Nowadays, millions of people suffer from insomnia, as I have for many years. Unfortunately, most of them do not know what can be done and are of the impression that this is a normal part of adult life. Many people have no idea how good it feels to be fully rested and operating at peak mental and physical performance. That is why I created this website, so I can share what I have learned with the world. I want to help people overcome their struggles with insomnia by providing high quality advice and recommendations on how to sleep better at night.
If you are here, there is a high chance that you have trouble sleeping from time to time. Rest assured, the research-based information, recommendations and tips we provide on this website will allow you to sleep better at night and will reduce symptoms of insomnia significantly. I know first-hand how detrimental insomnia and a regular lack of sleep can be for your quality of life. I can promise you that if you follow the guidelines provided on this website you can and you will transform your life!